Behind the seams of Some like it hot

I thought I should give you a behind the seams look at my latest piece: ”Some like it hot”. It’s presently featured at the Fall International Quilt Festival in Houston in the IQA exhibit A world of Beauty.

How it all started

I started this project during March break.  I had sent out my Remembering Sochi quilt for the Spring International Quilt Festival in Chicago and realized I had no quilt to show during my April lectures!  On the very first Saturday of March break, my son was sleeping over at a friends’ house… So I woke up at 5 am as I realized I had the basement all to myself!  I worked on the project till the rest of the household awoke. It was the most productive hours ever! Continue reading “Behind the seams of Some like it hot”


In my last blog, I discussed the fact that your sewing room needed to become your STUDIO this year as you will be experimenting with your quilting.  While giving my lecture last weekend, many students had questions regarding their studio and I thought I should elaborate more on the subject.

When I started to talk about organizing your space to make room for your creativity, way back in 2015, many students reminded me that I had the space in my quilt shop to have a studio.  So I accepted the challenge to create a studio in my home.  Keep in mind that I have 3 boys and do not live in a mansion! And I will not apologize for the mess in the following pictures. Continue reading “TIPS & TRICKS FOR A BETTER STUDIO”


img_0812You’ve finally finished your blocks and you are thinking that the worst part is done!


Assembling your blocks is a crucial moment: you have to maintain your accuracy while ensuring that all the blocks are sewn in the right direction.  And you will have guessed it!  It’s the Step 7 in the 12 steps to successful quilt making. Continue reading “STEP 7: ASSEMBLING YOUR BLOCKS”